The Field of the Heart


The field of the heart provides us with direct access to our inner voice, our inner wisdom, and our inner chamber of limitless potential. The field of the heart creates a coherent connection with universal consciousness. There are no limitations when accessing the field of the heart, and similarly, there are no limitations to the infinite methods or strategies for noticing, listening, and speaking from the field of the heart.

When attention takes us to a particular space or place within an individual’s field, we are not just interacting with that space or place. We are interacting with information. Consider that everything in the universe is comprised of light, information, and resonance. When we observe a particular space or place, we create resonance with the information embedded within what we notice. It is the very act of observing information that provides a vehicle for transformation to occur.

That is why things appear to change when we observe a particular space or place. We aren’t really doing anything other than observing fields of information. However, the act of observing entangles the observer with the observed, and this facilitates a different resonance with, or expression of, the information. The information nestles within torsion fields. Torsion fields are considered to exist everywhere in universal consciousness.

The field of the heart is a torsion field. It presents as a doughnut comprised of two counter-rotating fields, with the inner torsion spinning in one direction and the outer torsion spinning in the opposite direction. Within these torsion fields, there is a vortex. Within the vortex, information as potential couples with the torsion fields. This creates a certain amount of inertia and momentum simultaneously, which helps the information pop through the vacuum as form, action and experience. In-form-ation as possibility creates experience directly from the field of the heart.

The torsion field of the heart is the very first thing that appears to form, even before the physical heart comes into manifestation, and everything emanates from that state of pure torsion. When you access the field of the heart, you are accessing pure potentiality before that potentiality separates out from itself as experience.

The reason we drop down into the field of the heart is that it allows us to access that state of pure potentiality or neutrality (new-to-our-reality). From the field of the heart we can access pure, undifferentiated states of information and energy potential before the information separates out as form, action or experience. The heart field is the gateway to All that is, and All that is yet to be experienced.

When we drop down into the field of the heart, we don’t really initially feel, notice, or think anything related to the experience because it’s not experience yet. Rather, it is an experience of no experience, that which is pure potentiality. Everything that we do in Matrix Energetics, we do from this pure potentiality and neutrality that is found in the field of the heart. From the field of the heart we easily access transformation because we are actually going back to before the collapse of the wave function.

We create resonance with a pattern before that pattern has been separated, identified and named as a particular experience. So when we work with a shoulder, it’s not a shoulder, because a shoulder is something that has been separated out from the whole, identified, and named as a ‘shoulder.’ In the naming of this pattern there are corresponding references that limit what is possible for that shoulder because of all the thoughts and beliefs that accompany the world of shoulders as ‘shoulder-dom’.

There is too much should in shoulders. We are seeking options.

We don’t label it. We don’t name it. It is just a pattern. The pattern becomes pure potentiality, and in that state there exist equally weighted possibilities. This facilitates the probability of transformation into actuality.

Some suggestions from Melissa Joy for dropping into the heart:

1. Breathe in. On exhale, simply relax your physiology: Drop your shoulders and allow your awareness to relax into the center of your being or physical body. Notice the calmness and stillness and absence of thought. From this space, notice what you notice. What information begins to well up from your inner being?

2. Ask an open-ended question, like “What would I notice if I were to allow my awareness to move back into the heart-field?” or “Where am I in relation to the field of my heart?” Follow that awareness and connect to it. From this space, notice what you notice.

3. Consider that the field of the heart is what you are. The electromagnetic field of the heart is the first thing that pops through the vacuum, even before the physical heart forms. Therefore, you are always in your heart. It is awareness and thoughts that move us out of resonance with being in the heart space.

4. Elevator (e-love-ator): Observe an elevator in your head. See a miniature version of yourself stepping into the elevator and allow for the doors to close. Press the down button. Follow your awareness as the elevator descends out of your head, down through your throat and even further down into your chest cavity. Allow for the elevator doors to open. Notice what you notice when you step into that space of no space and no place.

5. Take a moment to feel into someone or something that you love unconditionally. Feel that connection. Notice the feeling and allow for that feeling to move through your entire body. Invite that feeling to center in the torsion field of your heart and then ask it to speak to you.

6. Through the recognition that the field of the heart is connected to everything, notice in your awareness how you are not separate as a separate body or being. See yourself as an effervescent Vitamin C tablet. Drop yourself through awareness as a vitamin C tablet into a glass of water and feel within yourself as your sense of separation dissolves. Notice that you feel a sense of dropping in and expanding out simultaneously. There is no separation between you and everything else. You are present in the here and now and also present everywhere. Ask your heart what it would tell you if you were to begin to listen to it now.

7. Get silly! See a waterslide from your head to your heart with a pool in the field of the heart. Energetically pop your eyeballs out of your head, drop them onto the slide and let them drop into the pool with a big splash. As your eyeballs resurface, notice your attention from the field of the heart.

8. Notice the constant flow of thoughts in your brain or awareness without attachment. The more we have thoughts the less likely we are able to listen to our heart. See your thoughts as clouds floating by. Do not attach to them. Observe them neutrally with a sense of curiosity and no judgment. Observing thoughts and experiences without judgment keeps us in a state of heart-centered awareness.

9. Pay attention to genuine desires. Desires well up from the field of the heart and are cues or placeholders for our awareness to get our attention. Desires ARE the language of our heart speaking to us. When we listen, we move into a flow where desires become manifestations and experiences.

10. Trust yourself. One way to begin noticing, speaking and listening from the heart is to start by trusting in yourself. The more you develop a sense of trust in yourself, the more the heart becomes the leading navigator in consciousness. The intellect will follow the heart-s intelligence the more you resonate in trust.

11. Let go of all sense of not being in your heart. The thought of a problem can become the problem. Ask yourself “If I knew what I might notice were I to listen to my heart, regardless of what anyone else might suggest, what methods of dropping into my heart might I discover?”

It is useful to consider that the field of the heart is a space of no space so it is not really something you drop into per se. Rather, it is something that you already are but have perhaps moved away from in awareness. Sometimes it is easier to see the heart field expanding around you like a pink bubble of unconditional love. Notice how expanded you feel when centered in this bubble.

While it is common to not sense or feel anything when we initially drop into the field of the heart, there does tend to be a bubbling up or wave of sheer joy that may emanate from this sea of potential. This state of joy heralds a return to our natural state of being as universal consciousness and its infinite potential moves through us without resistance. Joy may be present regardless of external circumstances and is a powerfully graceful side-effect of heart-centered awareness.


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About the Author | Melissa Joy Jonsson

Melissa Joy Jonsson is the founder of M-Joy, a unifying “we” movement that provides a new language to experience self-love as integrity. She is best known for her ability to engage people to embrace their true authentic power by playing in the field of the heart. Melissa has been teaching popular life-transformational seminars around the world since 2008. As an intuitive coach and holistic practitioner, she has a diverse client base in more than 25 countries. Melissa spent more than a decade as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry. She is the author of Little Book of Big Potentials, Practical Play the Heart-Centered Way, and M-Joy Practically Speaking. Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She resides in San Diego, California. To learn more, please visit

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