Spring Detox

What do you crave?

Is it chips and salsa? Or straight-up milk chocolates filled with caramel?

Or both!

Whatever your cravings are…they are the subtle signals from the body that you are in need of a reset.

Your cravings are begging you to come closer and listen to what your body really needs right now.

If you are craving something sweet, it’s usually a tell-tale sign that you have inflammation in your gut.

You might even feel bloated, which is your first sign that your body may be asking for you to hit the reset button.

This is likely, as there is some level of gut permeability going on in the body and an overgrowth of bad bacteria. When we have an overgrowth of bad bacteria, we have cravings for sweet treats and/or salty foods, because this is what they feed on. If we let this imbalance grow, then we are no longer in control and we are not running the show. When we don’t address the cravings, then inflammation is the result, which can later be followed by dis-ease.

Growing up as a sugar addict for well over 20 years, I can tell you there is hope!

Have you heard that all disease starts in the gut?

So you can see that it is of paramount importance to listen to your cravings and start to understand why you have them, and what you can do about them.

I want to empower you to do just that.

We’ve all heard of “anti-inflammatory foods,” because more and more research is showing that the only way to beat the stress we put on our bodies is to put on our armor. And I am not talking about Wonder Woman armor, although at times it feels like exactly what we need!

Our armor is stress management, whole fruits and vegetables, meat from hormone-free and pasture-raised animals, connecting with loved ones, maintaining a gratitude practice, having an exercise routine we love, and doing a job every day that fulfills our passion and purpose.

That’s a long list, right?

Well, the good news is that you have a lifetime to make baby steps and create these habits—you just need to get started.

So, let’s start with what inflammation looks like in the body.

  • Allergies
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Swollen belly
  • Bloated
  • Gas
  • Puffiness
  • Acne
  • Skin rash

Just to name a few….

These are all signs that your body wants support.

There are certain foods that can cause inflammation in the body, so really, once you learn which ones are giving you trouble, you can identify them and then learn when you can eat them, and when you shouldn’t. Learning what feeds your body and what feeds inflammation is the secret to success when it comes to long-term health and a healthy relationship with your body.

The problem with many of my clients is that they got brainwashed to think that these “symptoms” are normal, seasonal, or influenced by genetics. They’ve been pushing through for a long time, taking Advil, Alleve, Claritin, etc., to treat some of these symptoms.

It’s totally possible to reverse your symptoms through diet, lifestyle, and fitness modifications.

I love the “aha” moments from my clients when they learn that those chronic pains in their hands actually flared up when they ate certain foods, and went away when they gave them up.

How powerful is that?!

My goal is to get you the tools you need to lead an empowering and healthy life, in every area of your life. No matter how you look at it, it all starts with the food you are feeding your body.

Even with a regular spiritual practice, a loving family, a supportive community, and a fitness routine fit for an athlete, if you are causing inflammation in your body, you won’t be able to connect with your heart, the essence of who you really are.

The truth is, you simply can’t hear your intuition as well as long as your body is being bombarded by artificial chemicals, processed foods, and conventional meat.

Here’s the information you need to start to take charge of your health:  

Top inflammatory foods to avoid:

  • Gluten
  • Eggs
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Dairy
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Nightshades
  • Yeast

This is all wonderful to know. But taking those foods out of your diet can be hard at first.

And how do you know exactly which foods to avoid, and which foods to add that support your specific body’s needs?

If you want support with a full body reset so that you can kick your sugar cravings for good, I invite you to join my Spring Detox Program, starting Thursday, April 26, 2018.

You will learn just how to start to identify which foods may be your triggers for inflammation.

Join me here and grab the early bird special!

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About the Author | Shannon Nickerson

Shannon is a mountain lover and climber, wellness advocate, and soul-driven health coach. She specializes in working with professional women to help them reclaim their power by ditching sugar for good so they can feel good in their bodies again. Shannon has been in the wellness industry for over 17 years. She helps her clients to learn how to identify which foods work for their unique body so it is easier to make healthy choices for the long haul without feeling deprived. Her clients take charge of their health by developing tools to understand and beat their cravings for good and have more energy for their passions in life. She studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, is a board-certified Stress Management Technician, and a certified yoga teacher. Shannon leads monthly events and workshops as a way to help her community get educated and take charge of their health. Shannon is known as the Energy Break Queen. Her customized four-minute routines she offers at trainings, leadership events, and conventions. She helps participants move their energy, better assimilate the content, improve clarity and focus, promote camaraderie and enhance their experience.

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