Women Need Each Other


Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley’s rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting for you with open arms at the valley’s end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you…or come in if need be and carry you out.

The world wouldn’t be the same without women, and neither would I. When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other.

Every day, we need each other still.


Peg Rodrigues



peg rodriguez The Momentum Is Pushing Us Forward

About the Author | Peg Rodrigues

Peg Rodrigues is an energy intuitive, author, wife, and mom to four children. Born in Seattle, Washington, she studied at the Northwest School of Healing for four years. Peg was trained as a Reiki Master, which she combines with Earth Energy chelations. She currently offers distance healing sessions to clients all over the world from her home in Massachusetts.

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1 comment to "Women Need Each Other"

  • Dori

    You are a soul sister and a beautiful healer. I’ve only met you once, but I feel so soulfully connected to you as I am a healer too that has kind of lost my way. True friends do walk physically, energetically and/or spiritually to support one another to grow in the strength and resilience that unite and bond on so many levels seen and unseen.