The Integrity Effect

“We already are what we wish to become”

About The Integrity Effect:

Discover how to PLAY the change game from the inside out, on your own heart terms, so that the inner you matches the you without. Join inspiring, life-transformational leader Melissa Joy (M-Joy) as she journeys to the heart of interactive reality creation. Learn a powerful, cohesive language and framework of completion terminology where self-love is the new normal.

Close the gap between your perceived limitations and your innate limitless potential through the Integrity Effect. Whether you are seeking self-love; freedom from addictions; more fulfilling relationships with family, friends, and colleagues; or to transform prevailing paradigms, The Integrity Effect can light the way. This book is a journey into True Authentic Self, offering practical heart-centered approaches to extraordinary living. Gain proven strategies to create new maps for joy, fulfillment, authenticity, and True Authentic Power. Change the way you create and relate to everything. Purchase The Integrity Effect now.

Humanity is in a position that we have never been in previously. We are in new and entirely unfamiliar terrain. You may be at an intersection in your own life where you are aware that the old is no longer working. You may not be sure how to proceed. This crossroads is where the heart of it all intersects with the power of choice.

Through a brilliant weave of unique language, authentic testimonials, and Practical Play, The Integrity Effect provides multiple access points for creating new maps to navigate through current changing landscapes. The Integrity Effect is how we Play It Forward, creating new heart-prints to benefit ourselves and the collective alike.

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About the Author | Melissa Joy Jonsson

Melissa Joy Jonsson is the founder of M-Joy, a unifying “we” movement that provides a new language to experience self-love as integrity. She is best known for her ability to engage people to embrace their true authentic power by playing in the field of the heart. Melissa has been teaching popular life-transformational seminars around the world since 2008. As an intuitive coach and holistic practitioner, she has a diverse client base in more than 25 countries. Melissa spent more than a decade as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry. She is the author of Little Book of Big Potentials, Practical Play the Heart-Centered Way, and M-Joy Practically Speaking. Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She resides in San Diego, California. To learn more, please visit

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