Madly Chasing Peace: How I went from Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day

September 2008 found me in the darkest place of my life. Everything looked great on the outside; I was living in my own apartment in the perpetual summer of Santa Monica, making good money in a stable job. Not even my closest friends knew I was so profoundly depressed that I planned my own suicide and was hopelessly addicted to alcohol.

I felt like I’d tried everything – moving from job to job, place to place, boyfriend to boyfriend – and nothing worked. Depression groups, individual therapy and medications helped for a short while but I always ended up more depressed than when I started. After a while, alcohol was the only thing that soothed me, and if this was how life was going to be forever more, I just wanted out.

Quite unintentionally, I ended up in an addiction recovery program for a year that literally saved my life. One of the first things my coach in the program instructed me to do was to sit still and meditate for 20 minutes every morning. Well, I’d never been able to meditate before and I doubted that just sitting still would accomplish much of anything. Plus detoxing on alcohol and not having my self-soother anymore made it quite impossible for me. But I had no other option so I tried my best, and though I couldn’t sit still for 20 minutes, I found that I could be relatively motionless for about three minutes, and I could do this about three times a day.

This is what evolved into my current 3×3 meditation practice that I teach all my coaching clients. I’ve learned that, when we intentionally sit with our stillness for three minutes at a time, three times a day, transformation happens.

Just two months after starting this 3×3 meditation practice, I began having experiences in states of higher consciousness. I felt blissful and radiantly light, almost transparent, but at the same time exceptionally grounded and connected within myself. It’s a state of timelessness and expansiveness without a single word of mind chatter (can you imagine?). These states come and go but I know one thing very clearly from my time in them: the thoughts and beliefs we hold create the physical world around us, not the other way around.

dina-proctor-book-coverI was able to see very clearly that our bodies are not more than a smidgen of our identities, and that the way others are treating us are in-the-moment mirrors of the vibe we are exuding, the emotional and mental state we are inhabiting in the moment we are interacting with them.

Using 3×3 meditation, I’ve experienced healing in my body, not only from alcohol addiction but my blood readings for hypoglycemia and high cholesterol changed dramatically, and in my relationships – people who treated me the same way for years began reacting much more positively to me. Meditation also helped me drop 10 pounds I’d put on and was getting amazing results for my coaching clients as well. I wanted to know how exactly nine minutes a day could cause all of this good stuff.

After reading “Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles” by Dr. Bruce Lipton, I knew I had to talk to him about my experiences. He granted me a 30-minute phone call which went on for over an hour. I don’t know who was more excited – me getting to hear the scientific realizations that explain the power of 3×3 meditation on my body and relationships, or Dr. Lipton getting to share his science with such passion. My conversation with him is included in Chapter 12 of my book.

I know others have discovered this mind/body connection well before I did; for me not until I was completely out of answers was I even open to such a crazy idea that the key to healing, wellness and abundance is nothing more than learning how to focus our minds to bring about the emotional state of already having what we want for our bodies and in our relationships – truly anything in our physical world – and we can do this effectively in no more than three minutes of meditation three times a day. If I can do it, I believe anyone who sincerely wants to can do it too.

For more information and to purchase this book, click HERE.

A Conversation with Dina Proctor usiness coach, inspirational speaker, and best-selling author

About the Author | Dina Proctor

Dina Proctor is a life and business coach, inspirational speaker, and best-selling author. From weight loss and banishing addictive cravings to reconstructing relationships, 3x3 Meditation is a simple and yet incredibly effective method and has gained the support of Jack Canfield and Dr. Bruce Lipton. It is now helping thousands of others around the world improve their lives.

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