Dreams Take Flight

As she held her dying friend’s hand for the last time,
She wondered what dreams her friend had also let die.

What dreams had she held onto that never took flight?

She knew as she walked away from telling her goodbye,
that she would no longer hold unto her own dreams …

She would set them free,
as she realized just how much life force she had yet to give.

She would begin writing her journey to Triumph!
And, so she began.

Giving dreams flight takes an amazing amount of will power. Sheer grit. Coming from German descendants whose grandmothers both emigrated from Russia, the strong stubborn will finally kicked in. But first, the universe had a gift of humanity for me to experience once again.

One of my dear fellow river warriors was dying a slow death of cancer.

Each day taking a bit more of her frail body, her will to fight never wavering. I sat with her. I held her hand and I stroked her thinning hair. She spoke in hushed whispers.

It was in the last moments of her life that I held the profound awareness that we all have dreams that we hold on to. Some of us clutch them so tightly that they have lost some of their life force. Some of us are a bit more willing to try things and see what happens, even if it means we may need to try again. Others of us have a great deal of fear and need a bit more coaxing. Some, like my dear friend, may pass on without their realizing dreams.

It was at this time that I began to make room for my dreams to take flight. I didn’t know how to go about it. I began to send out this intention into the universe and, lo and behold, they did – like the great masters before us whose wisdom has led the way for us to experience openings in our own lives.

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About the Author | Te' Werner

Te' Werner is an artist, coach and writer. Her writing journey began over twenty five years ago and continues to be a daily transformational experience. She mentors and encourages women to find their voice and create space for freedom in their lives.
"I began to write as a way to express myself. I found a place to be heard amidst the pages of my journals. Later I would learn that through my writing...I could listen to my soul speak. Writing is my breath on paper."

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