10 Quotes to Inspire You to Start Saying No!

Whether it’s constantly feeling overwhelmed with your busy schedule or needing to draw a hard line in a relationship, saying no can be difficult. Today, we collected ten powerful quotes to inspire you to take the reins of your life and start saying no—so that you can make your life happen, on your terms.

Have a quote to add to the list? Share it in the comments!

You have the power to transform your life right now.

Sometimes saying no completely changes the course of our lives. In any moment, you have the power to transform your life with one simple word.


Make sure that what you’re building honors your desires by saying no.

Sandra Bullock

Say no, unless you mean it.

quit people-pleasing

It starts with saying no.

Stop letting life happen to you—be the one who makes it happen, on your terms.

Saying “no” and “yes” only when you mean it lets you create the life you want.

Take responsibility for your life.

Own your choices and allow them to be authentic by saying no when you want to.

Transform "I should" into "I choose to"

This reminds you that you always have a choice.

Choose YOU every day!

Let your needs and desires determine your “yes” and “no.”

Deepak Chopra

Remember you can always choose to say no to an opportunity or an ask in your life.

Denise Linn


Keeping your yes’s authentic ensures you’re surrounded by people who feed your soul.

Sometimes saying no can be tricky. That’s why we created the Hard Conversations Toolkit. Download the toolkit today for simple tools and practices to get insanely good at saying what you need to say.

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About the Author | Kelly McNelis, LLC

Women’s advocate and bestselling author of Your Messy Brilliance.

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